Monday, March 16, 2009

Thanks Mr. D

This past Friday, Bill Davidson, owner of the Detroit Pistons, Palace Sports and Entertainment, and Guardian Glass died at the age of 86.

Mr. D was the greatest professional sports owner of all time. He stayed out the limelight and hired great people and trusted them to do their jobs.

He was the first owner to privately finance an arena (normally paid for by local taxpayers) and The Palace of Auburn Hills is still one of the state of the art facilities in the country.
He was also the first owner to provide a private jet to his team (in the late 80s), which to this day, former coach Chuck Daly still attributes to his teams championships.

Mr. D was classy, and no nonsense, which in my opinion is a lost art these days. He had a great business model, and was an incredible philanthropist.

My greatest memory of Mr. D is from the 2004 Championship parade in Downtown Detroit and Rally in Hart Plaza. Mr D., a man of few words, got up to the podium, frustrated by the "experts" who said the Pistons had no chance to beat the Lakers, and said: "that's a bunch of bull crap." (note: censored)

Here are some links to great news articles on the one they call, Mr D.:
Mr. D did things right
Bill Davidson avoided the limelight, not responsibility
Sports world mourns 'greatest owner of all time'

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Vistra Creative

I have recently joined forces with my friend and colleague, Scott, and am now a proud contributing member of Vistra Creative!

Vistra Creative offers custom designed websites made specifically to fit any company’s needs, and offers domain registry and site hosting.

If you are in need of web design help, please contact me at: